Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thoughts on Social Media Marketing

Social Media doesn’t need to be complicated to work. BlueWave’s Digital Presence Group works closely with businesses to guide them through the world of social media, to create an effective presence that really delivers results. But to the uninitiated, managing a public space to share information, engage with customers and increase brand recognition could sound incredibly complicated – or even worse, expensive!
But actually, when you break down the core elements of running an effective social media offering, it’s really quite straightforward and just needs time, planning and a long term commitment to keep up activity. Check out our top five tips for using Facebook to engage your  audience, or contact our team to find out how we can help you to devise a social media strategy that works for your business.

1. Post regular updates
2. Reply to criticism as well as praise – face things head on
3. Offer exclusive content to your fans – competitions, videos and savings
4. Keep it interesting – less corporate, more inviting
5. Take part in discussions, encourage your Facebook fans to become a community

Don’t have an audience yet? No problem, that is another area we can help you with.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The 7 technologies Windows has killed

As we all know, when it comes to technology, first movers don't always create the best product.  The innovation that comes after their original creation often far surpasses their original idea.

This slideshow features the seven technologies, like Netscape Navigator and Netscape Mail, that Windows "killed" through this type of innovation--improving upon products that had already been created by someone else.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Clever way to organize your desktop

We all notice when our desktops become too cluttered. The folders, documents, coffee mugs, and business cards start to pile up and interfere with productivity, so we reorganize and get back to work. But why don’t we notice the clutter on our virtual desktops? A messy, disorganized computer desktop can also interfere with your work.

Those of you who tend to save files haphazardly to your desktop—only to forget about them until you’re in a frenzy trying to find them a week later—might want to consider changing your desktop wallpaper and use something for its functionality instead of just appearance.

This post has some great tips to get you started, and below I’ll post some templates for inspiration.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I had a bad experience with (insert your business here)

Of course you wouldn’t like to hear someone complain or say negative things about you and your business, but when it comes to your digital presence and negative customer reviews, you need to be on the lookout. In this Twitter-texting-Facebook-blogging world, businesses must constantly monitor their online reputations. And if someone is complaining, apologize. You have to reach out to all customers—the satisfied and the disappointed.

Social media outlets have become the first place someone goes to when they want to rejoice or complain about something. So by monitoring these networks, a company can quickly respond directly to an unhappy customer’s rant or to a satisfied customer’s celebratory remarks.

Comcast is doing a great job with this right now. They’ve created a Twitter account ( that monitors and responds to customer complaints about Comcast’s service. No matter what the tweet says, with just the 140-word limit, Comcast can immediately express, “We want to help you. We care about you as a customer and we care about fixing your problems.”

The ability to respond so quickly is an incredible tool that businesses should be taking advantage of.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Article: "21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business"

Social Media Today posted an informative article that features over 20 tips for growing your business through social media like Facebook and Twitter. The suggestions I found most interesting were the ideas to use Twitter to receive orders for your products and the "curation" tip.

You can read the article
here, and make sure to stick around the site for a few extra minutes and read some of the other helpful and informative posts they have.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughts on Facebook...

A common theme in our discussion with marketing executives and entrepreneurs is a disdain to leverage the power of Facebook. A handful of marketing executives we have spoken to refuse to develop any kind of presence on Facebook for a variety of reasons. Considering that Facebook now has more traffic than the Big G, it would seem a mistake to dislike Facebook so much that you would refuse to use Facebook as a key traffic driver, if not a strategic marketing and brand engagement venue.

The most interesting thing about this graph is not that Facebook has overtaken Google in traffic, but the rate of traffic growth for Facebook. Google’s graph is relatively flat compared to Facebook. If Facebook continues to grow at the rate shown in the graph, It will double Google’s traffic in less than a year. If you can’t bring yourself to overcome your disdain for Facebook now, you certainly won’t have a choice in a year. It’s time to overcome the disdain. To help, In future post's we will demystify the myths that commonly lead to the disdain. Off to Facebook... :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Smart Business Magazine Gives BlueWave Some Love

Andrew Katz, Our Director of Digital Presence listed by Smart Business Magazine as Top "Tweeps" To Follow. CLICK IMAGE TO VIEW

Dr. V - Tip of The Day