Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughts on Facebook...

A common theme in our discussion with marketing executives and entrepreneurs is a disdain to leverage the power of Facebook. A handful of marketing executives we have spoken to refuse to develop any kind of presence on Facebook for a variety of reasons. Considering that Facebook now has more traffic than the Big G, it would seem a mistake to dislike Facebook so much that you would refuse to use Facebook as a key traffic driver, if not a strategic marketing and brand engagement venue.

The most interesting thing about this graph is not that Facebook has overtaken Google in traffic, but the rate of traffic growth for Facebook. Google’s graph is relatively flat compared to Facebook. If Facebook continues to grow at the rate shown in the graph, It will double Google’s traffic in less than a year. If you can’t bring yourself to overcome your disdain for Facebook now, you certainly won’t have a choice in a year. It’s time to overcome the disdain. To help, In future post's we will demystify the myths that commonly lead to the disdain. Off to Facebook... :)

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