Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I had a bad experience with (insert your business here)

Of course you wouldn’t like to hear someone complain or say negative things about you and your business, but when it comes to your digital presence and negative customer reviews, you need to be on the lookout. In this Twitter-texting-Facebook-blogging world, businesses must constantly monitor their online reputations. And if someone is complaining, apologize. You have to reach out to all customers—the satisfied and the disappointed.

Social media outlets have become the first place someone goes to when they want to rejoice or complain about something. So by monitoring these networks, a company can quickly respond directly to an unhappy customer’s rant or to a satisfied customer’s celebratory remarks.

Comcast is doing a great job with this right now. They’ve created a Twitter account ( that monitors and responds to customer complaints about Comcast’s service. No matter what the tweet says, with just the 140-word limit, Comcast can immediately express, “We want to help you. We care about you as a customer and we care about fixing your problems.”

The ability to respond so quickly is an incredible tool that businesses should be taking advantage of.

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